First Renosterveld Land Purchase in the Overberg

First Renosterveld Land Purchase in the Overberg

We are VERY excited to announce that WWF-SA has purchased the first piece of renosterveld in the Overberg and we, the OLCT, will be managing this land as a nature reserve. We also hope to establish a research centre on the land. This is the result of nearly five years of collaborative efforts between us and WWF and finally, we have our first piece of land, secured forever for conservation.

Hit the Ground Running

Hit the Ground Running

Just thought I'd kick this blog off with a brief recap of my first few weeks on the project. In the future, this will primarily be a photo blog aimed at sharing photos of my project and experiences with those interested as well as... making less work for me than a standard blog - this way I can spend more time on the veld instead of writing about it.

South African Journal of Botany

South African Journal of Botany

Quartz fields are islands of distinct vegetation in southern Africa. Such habitats differ from surrounding shale substrate in geomorphological and climatic attributes, and are dominated by a predominantly succulent flora with between 14% and 91% endemism. Previous studies have identified and surveyed quartz fields within the Succulent Karoo biome, but little is known about the Overberg quartz–silcrete fields located in the Renosterveld vegetation (Fynbos biome).

Kickstarter project – 30 days to raise $10 000!!

Kickstarter project – 30 days to raise $10 000!!

The Overberg Lowlands Conservation Trust needs your help!! We are working with an American student on a project for which we need to raise $10 000 within 30 days (and it's all or nothing!) to make it happen. This project forms a critical component of what we are doing as a Trust and this is a real opportunity for you to help us achieve our objectives towards saving renosterveld. Please take 5 minutes and follow the link below and see how YOU can make an enormous difference to our cause!!