Vision & Mission

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BeeVision & Mission of the ORCT

To secure the long-term conservation and management of remaining fragments of threatened natural lowland vegetation through active partnerships with landowners, conservation authorities and NGO’s thereby improving the overall quality of farms, sustainable livelihoods and landscapes in the Overberg, South Africa.

Our Objectives

Our objectives are essentially based on three main ‘pillars’: i) securing the largest remnants of renosterveld for conservation in perpetuity through a combination of land purchase and Conservation Easements, ii) linking critical fragments through the restoration of corridors (with an emphasis on watercourses) and iii) spreading awareness amongst landowners with renosterveld about the importance of renosterveld management in a way that affects long-term changes in attitudes and veld management. The thread that ties all these objectives together is the building of relationships with our most important stakeholders: the landowners, while we consider our relationships with our partners in the landscape (in both the NGO and government sectors) equally important. In parallel with this conservation work, we coordinate a dynamic and growing collaborative research team, of post-graduate students and ecologists with an interest in exploring a suite of questions around renosterveld ecology.

0 Fynbos veld types
0 Fynbos plant species
0% Renosterveld remaining
0% Unprotected Renosterveld