Renosterveld doesn’t follow a calendar. This year our renosterveld landscapes in the Overberg seemed convinced that spring had already arrived early in August.
Archive for category: Renosterveld News
Supporting landowners for a better farm: What we do
When the Overberg Renosterveld Conservation Trust signs an easement with landowners in the Overberg, it’s only the start of the journey - and the work.
World’s first renosterveld app launched – your ideal outdoor partner
The Overberg Renosterveld Conservation Trust (ORCT) has launched the world’s first renosterveld mobile phone app, called Field Guide to Renosterveld. This allows you to identify 1 600 plant and animal species during your renosterveld adventures, all in the palm of your hand.
Veld School: “Breathing in nature, to live it”
Our Veld School is a project close to our hearts. Launched back in 2022 with support from the National Lotteries Commission and ENGIE (formerly known as BTE Renewables), the programme invites tomorrow’s botanists, scientists and conservationists into the field to teach them about our natural environment.
The discovery of a secretive Oxalis creates a botanical stir
An ecological burn on a farm near Napier has led to the appearance of a most unusual Oxalis species. It’s a find that has created a stir of excitement amongst the experts.
Crassula | Providing an unlikely meal for hungry pollinators
The Crassula genus - a prominent member of the Crassulaceae family - is especially important to hungry pollinators come winter.
Reversing biodiversity loss through restoration
While big goals are set on international platforms to prevent further loss of biodiversity, organisations like the ORCT are working tirelessly to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity at ground level with landowners and stakeholders.
Finding renosterveld treasures in unexpected places
Unlike many of the flashier vegetation types (like forests or fynbos), renosterveld shrublands tend to look extremely drab and lifeless during the peak summer season. This is because the peak flowering season happens over spring and because summer in the Western Cape tends to be dry, hot and windy.
Latest Renosterveld News
The first quarter of 2024 is behind us now - it has been jam-packed and productive; and as a result, this Earth Day we have several stories to share.
Fiery restoration action across farm boundaries
The ORCT and the landowners successfully implemented these controlled burns in mid-March with the support of the Ecosystem Services Team of the Nuwejaars Wetlands Special Management Area (NWSMA). Thanks to the Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association (goFPA).