Renosterveld Library

Treasure Islands: Renosterveld remnants of the Overberg, Jack Journal

Dr Odette Curtis-Scott > Download

Common farm activities: When do you need environmental authorisation?

CapeNature > Download

Terminal velocity: The long-term costs of endangered birds killed by wind farms, African Birdlife

JULY/AUGUST 2022 > Download


Wes Kaap Regering, SANBI, GEF > Laai af


Western Cape Government, SANBI, GEF > Download


Western Cape Government, SANBI, GEF > Download

First conservation easement for Renosterveld

14 February 2017 | The first easement focused specifically on protecting Renosterveld has been signed in South Africa. Renosterveld is one of the most endangered types of habitat, with only about 5% remaining, mostly on private land, which makes conservation particularly challenging. > Download

Boere help met oprigting van navorsingsentrum

3 Oktober 2014 | Die eerste sentrum vir Renosterveldnavorsing is op die grootste beskermde stuk laagland renosterveld in die wereld tussen Bredasdorp en Malgas geopen. > Laai af

Renosterveld se geheime ontrafel Landbouweekblad

24 Januarie 2014 | Nuwe navorsing toon dat grondeienaars wat hul renosterveld gereeld brand om grasse te bevorder, die samestelling, diversiteit en struktuur daarvan vir altyd kan verander. Renosterveld word as krities bedreig beskou, trouens, in die Wes-Kaap is die situasie só krities dat slegs 6% van die laagland-renosterveld nog bestaan. > Laai af

What is Renosterveld? Veld & Flora

December 2013 | Grassy-shrubland or shrubby-grassland? Have recent analyses of soil carbon isotopes provided an answer? The two Old World Mediterraneantype climate regions that contain the oldest records of human habitation are the Mediterranean region itself and the Cape region of South Africa. > Download

The remains of the Renosterveld Farmer’s Weekly

5 July 2013 | Overberg Renosterveld Trust director Odette Curtis talks about the value of fragments in this threatened ecosystem and the exciting discovery of six previously unknown botanical species. Fertile, low-lying habitats of the world have always been the most suitable for cultivation… > Download

Trust aims to conserve rare renosterveld in the Cape Cape Argus

13 September 2012 | There is only about six percent of lowland renosterveld remaining in the Cape province which a new NGO intends to conserve. The Overberg Renosterveld Trust, was formed this week to help conserve lowland renosterveld which is found nowhere else in the world except in the Western Cape. > Download

What is Lowland Renosterveld?

Lowland Renosterveld is the relatively fertile, clay-based veld type that occurs in the low-lying areas of the Western Cape. Renosterveld is part of the Fynbos Biome, although it is very distinct from Fynbos – the main difference being that it lacks the three distinctly fynbos elements: the proteas, erica (heather) and restios (reeds). > Download the Renosterveld Information brochure.

Wetgewing moet habitatte beskerm Landbouweekblad

28 Oktober 2010 | Grond wat nog nooit bewerk is nie, huisves dikwels die laaste oorblywende dele van skaars en bedreigde ekologiese prosesse en habitatte. Daarom het Suid Afrika wetgewing wat dit verbied om grond wat nog nooit of vir tien jaar of langer nie bewerk is nie, te bewerk. > Laai af

Spesies, prosesse en habitatte moet bewaar word Landbouweekblad

22 Oktober 2010 | Dit is belangrik dat grondeienaars die voordele van verbeterde veldbestuur besef sodat hulle die bestuur van veld en bewerkbare lande in ‘n enkele strategie kan integreer. Dit sal voordele inhou vir die landboubedryf, maar ook vir biodiversiteit omdat spesies, ekologiese prosesse en habitatte bewaar word… > Laai af

Ploughing virgin land

2010 | What the law says and why. Strict laws governing the cultivation of virgin soil have angered many farmers. But that is because there’ve been few explanations of why these laws are necessary. Odette Curtis, manager of the Renosterveld Management Conservation Project in the Overberg in the Western Cape, helps farmers understand what’s at stake… > Download

General ‘ideal’ guidelines for renosterveld management

The following is a summary of renosterveld management guidelines. These are guidelines only and it is understood that changing management regimes is not always immediately practical and affordable. However, if one manages the veld correctly as much of the time as possible, one is more likely to reap ecosystem services from it than if one simply neglects it.. > Download

Algemene ‘ideale’ riglyne vir renosterveldbestuur

Die volgende is ‘n opsomming van riglyne vir renosterveldbestuur. Dit is slegs riglyne en daar word begryp dat dit nie altyd onmiddellik prakties of bekostigbaar is om bestuursregimes te verander nie. As mens egter veld vir so lank moontlik reg bestuur, sal mens waarskynlik meer ekosisteemdiens daaruit verkry as wanneer dit sommer net verwaarloos word… > Laai af

Renosterveld under scrutiny

Veld & Flora | September 2009 | Bringing science, management and stewardship together. Renosterveld conservation has received much attention lately and many more people are now aware of the plight of this severely threatened, unique and poorly-understood habitat. The biggest landscape-based approach towards conserving renosterveld started with the very detailed mapping processes… > Download

The race to save the renosterveld

Farmers Weekly | 2 October 2009 | With only 4 % of the renosterveld left in the world, the Overberg Renosterveld Working Group is racing against time to devise a conservation system… > Download

Why we can’t lose the renosterveld

Farmers Weekly | 20 July 2007 |  As it made way for the sprawling croplands of the Western Cape, renosterveld became synonymous with agricultural non-productivity, earning itself names like uitvalgrond. But, as Odette Curtis writes, this shrinking habitat, rich in plant and animal life found nowhere else on earth, should be conserved as it affords farmers unique eco tourism opportunities… > Download

The evolutionary development of coastal renosterveld

by Ian P Newton and Richard Knight | Veld & Flora | December 2004 | There have been a number of articles about coastal renosterveld appearing in Veld & Flora lately: rare geophytes, farmers. attitudes, seed dispersal, but all have avoided the question “What is renosterveld?” Why should this be? A look at the literature describing the vegetation occurring within the regions that are currently classified as coastal renosterveld shows that there has been a big change in the landscape over the past 400 years. > Download

Renosterveld’s Floral Treasures

By Barry Heydenrych | Veld & Flora | 1988 | Renosterveld is one of several vegetation types found in the Fynbos Biome at the southern tip of the African continent, where the dominant vegetation is fynbos itself Characterized by the dull grey-looking renosterbos… > Download

Wildflowers of the Darling renosterveld

By Barry Heydenrych | Veld & Flora | September 1995 | Why do people who want to look at spring wildflowers drive straight past Darling on their way to Namaqualand? Members of the Darling Wildflower Society asked me this question recently and I had to admit that I have also been guilty of rushing past the town of Darling, 70 km north of Cape Town. > Download


13 Julie 2023 > lees die artikel hier


27 Januarie 2022 > bladsy 31

Boere droom nou ook oor renosterveld beskerm

1 October 2020 > bladsy 46-49

Overberg farmers unite to conserve Renosterveld

7 August 2020 > page 30 and page 31

Witkruisvleivalk goed onder skoot

14 Julie 2017 > download

Relevant articles from the Farmer’s Weekly by Cameron McMaster

Biodiversity Conservation a farm business issue Farmer’s Weekly

13 February 2009 > download

Road Reserves and breaking the law Farmer’s Weekly

23 January 2009 > download

A Renosterveld conservation initiative Farmer’s Weekly

14 October 2008 > download

Critically endangered Renosterveld Farmer’s Weekly

3 October 2008 > download

Grassland Farmer’s Weekly

30 May 2008 > download

The farmer’s role in biodiversity conservation Farmer’s Weekly

21 September 2007 > download

Diversity and fire responses in Renosterveld, the forgotten relation of fynbos, in southernmost Africa

O.E. Curtis, W.J. Bond and S. Chimphango | 2024 > View

Locating and dating land cover change events in the Renosterveld, a Critically Endangered shrubland ecosystem

Moncrieff, G.R. | 2021 > Download

Management of Critically Endangered renosterveld fragments in the Overberg, South Africa

O.E. Curtis | April 2013 > Download

A conservation and floristic assessment of poorly known species rich quartz–silcrete outcrops within Rûens Shale Renosterveld (Overberg, Western Cape), with taxonomic descriptions of five new species

O.E. Curtis, C.H. Stirton, A.M. Muasya South African Journal of Botany | 25 March 2013 > Download

Hesperantha kiaratayloriae

P. Goldblatt, J.C. Manning and O.E. Curtis, Bothalia 43,2 | 2013 > Download

A Provisional Statement on Terminal Pleistocene Mammalian Extinctions in the Cape BioticZone

(Southern Cape Province, South Africa) Richard G. Klein South African Archaeological Society | 5 March 2013 > download

How homogeneous is West Coast Renosterveld? Implications for conservation

I.P. Newton and R.S. Knight Bothalia 40,2: 219–226 (2010) | 2010 > download Rapid Assessment Method for Renosterveld Compiled by Sue J. Milton from discussions at the Renosterveld Assessment Workshop Worcester | 23 July 2007 > download

Rapid Assessment Method for Renosterveld

Compiled by Sue J. Milton from discussions at the Renosterveld Assessment Workshop Worcester | 23 July 2007 > download

Pollination in agricultural landscapes, a South African Perspective

JS Donaldson Donaldson JS. 2002 Pollination in Agricultural Landscapes | 2002 > download Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Pollinator Diversity and Plant Reproductive Success in Renosterveld Shrublands of South Africa John Donaldson, Ingrid Nänni, Costas Zachariades and Jessica Kemper Conservation Biology, Pages 1267–1276 Volume 16, No. 5 | October 2002 > download

Landscape fragmentation in South Coast Renosterveld, South Africa, in relation to rainfall and topography

Jessica Kemper, Richard M. Cowling, David M. Richardson, Greg G. Forsyth and David H. Mckelly Austral Ecology (2000) 25, 179–186 | 2000 > download Fragmentation of South African renosterveld shrublands: effects on plant community structure and conservation implications Jessica Kemper, Richard M. Cowling, David M. Richardson Biological Conservation 90 (1999) 103±111 | 31 December 1998 > download

Fragmentation of South African renosterveld shrublands: effects on plant community structure and conservation implications

Jessica Kemper, Richard M. Cowling, David M. Richardson Biological Conservation 90 (1999) 103±111 | 31 December 1998 > download

The sustainable use and management of renosterveld remnants in the cape floristic region

FCC Report 95/4| ISBN: 1-874999-07-4 > download Notes on the use of the term “renosterveld” Various authors Bothalia 13, 1 & 2: 237 (1980) | 1980 > download

Notes on the use of the term “renosterveld”

Various authors Bothalia 13, 1 & 2: 237 (1980) | 1980 > download

Provisional Statement on Terminal Pleistocene Mammalian Extinctions in the Cape Biotic Zone

(Southern Cape Province, South Africa) South African Archaeological Society. Richard G. Klein (Sep., 1974) > download


Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago Richard G. Klein > download

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ORCT Annual Report 12

2023-24 > view

ORCT Annual Report 11

2022-23 > download

ORCT Annual Report 10

2021-22 > download

ORCT Annual Report 9

2020-21 > download

ORCT Annual Report 8

2019-20 > download

ORCT Annual Report 7

2018-19 > download

ORCT Annual Report 6

2017-18 > download

ORCT Annual Report 5

2016-17 > download

ORCT Annual Report 4

2015-16 > download

ORCT Annual Report 3

2014-15 > download

ORCT Annual Report 2

2013-14 > download

ORCT Annual Report 1

2012-13 > download

BotSoc/CREW/SANBI webinar: Celebrating 10 years of the Overberg Renosterveld Conservation Trust

28 July 2022 >> VIEW

Conservation Conversations: Black Harriers – Drs Rob Simmons & Odette Curtis-Scott

28 June 2022 >> VIEW

RSG Landbou

9 April 2022 >> LISTEN


The first ever Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg is a wonderful source of information on Renosterveld and the wildlife you could find living in this habitat. The guide is the result of five years of extensive research. It’s authored by Dr Odette Curtis-Scott, Mike Goulding, Nick Helme, Rhoda McMaster, Sean Privett and Prof Charles Stirton. Find out more here. 


This smartphone application contains more than 1 600 photos of species – ranging from renosterveld plants, to the wildlife that calls renosterveld home. It’s based on the printed Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg – but with 500 additional species featured. And it has been written and compiled by the world’s foremost renosterveld experts. Find out more here. 

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