Luke Gallant

Luke Gallant

Luke is undertaking his Masters degree under supervision from both the University of the Western Cape (UWC), University of Cape Town (UCT), and the Agricultural Research Council (ARC). He is exploring how livestock use Renosterveld for foraging, with a particular focus on the species they are targeting and the chemical properties of these species. These data will be used for identifying potential species that can be used in longer-term research, which tests whether it will be possible to use indigenous species to create artificial pasture for livestock, i.e. to test whether there are alternatives for lucerne.

Zoë Poulsen

Zoë Poulsen

Zoë is one of the first PhD students to build collaboration between the OLCT and the University of Cape Town (UCT) and we are very excited to have her onboard. Her supervisors at UCT are Dr Sampson Chimpango, Prof Timm Hoffmann and Dr Pippin Anderson. Zoë’s work will investigate the impacts of livestock grazing and attempt to develop rangeland restoration techniques for Overberg Renosterveld. Ultimately, as with all the research that we encourage in this field, results from this work will be used as the basis for improving our management guidelines for Renosterveld.