Newsletter 35 | December 2024

by Dr Odette Curtis-Scott

Without renosterveld’s riches, our lives are poorer 


A journalist for a well-known environmental programme once asked me,
“Why does it matter if renosterveld goes extinct?”

That was quite a moment for me. If he’d seen my face (it was a telephonic interview), he might have seen the shock. But I’m sure he felt it over the phone. It occurred to me: If I need to convince an environmental journalist that this habitat must be protected, how much more then those who don’t understand the role that nature plays?

So when well-known winemaker Bruce Jack asked me to contribute to his Jack Journal – just in time for World Wildlife Conservation Day celebrated today – it was a chance to really address this question. And to try and answer it in a way that would hopefully encourage even our cynical journalist that we need to do more for renosterveld.


Enjoy this rare renosterveld ramble

Enjoy this rare renosterveld ramble

Join the Overberg Renosterveld Trust this Take a Hike Day – to get to know some of the special quartz patches on the Haarwegskloof Renosterveld Reserve.

Just six observers make global case for renosterveld

Just six observers make global case for renosterveld

A team of just six people managed to log an incredible 922 renosterveld species sightings over the course of four days in September. This is once again testament to the vast diversity of species, from animals to plants, you’ll find in renosterveld.

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