Come to know and enjoy the renosterveld plant and animal species you’re seeing – while out in the veld, through the world’s first Field Guide to Renosterveld app.

This smartphone application contains more than 1 600 photos of species – ranging from renosterveld plants, to the wildlife that calls renosterveld home.


It’s based on the printed Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg – but with 500 additional species featured. And it has been written and compiled by the world’s foremost renosterveld experts.

Your list

You can also use the app to log your observations of any of the species listed on the app. Here you can include where and when you saw the species, to start collecting data on your own renosterveld explorations.

The Field Guide to Renosterveld app is available for just R249.99, and once downloaded, you will own the app forever.

Get yours via Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Search Field Guide to Renosterveld by, to secure your own outdoor renosterveld partner today.