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Gladiolus rudis

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Polhillia curtisiae

Polhillia curtisiae is Critically Endangered, new member of a small genus belonging to the legume family. Only one known population in the world and was discovered by the ORCT on Haarwegskloof.


Hesperantha kiaratayloriae

Hesperantha kiaratayloriae is a new bulb species, also discovered in the Overberg by the ORCT, found so far on only one quartz outcrop in the Renosterveld. It is therefore listed as Critically Endangered.


Moraea comptonii

Moraea comptonii is a species the ORCT has recently been introduced to. It is Endangered and known from only five localities in Renosterveld in the Botrivier area. It also occurs as yellow petals with green markings.


Otholobium curtisiae

Otholobium curtisiae was recently discovered by the ORCT on silcrete-quartz outcrops in the Renosterveld in the eastern Overberg and is Endangered. It has seldom been seen in flower and we suspect it may only flower after fire.


Gladiolus vandermerwei

Gladiolus vandermerwei is an Endangered bulb (geophyte), currently listed as having fewer than 10 populations remaining. The ORCT is contributing data on additional populations every spring.


Morea elegans

This striking species is only known from a handful of localities and is listed as Endangered and remaining populations are severely isolated and therefore at further risk. It also occur with orange markings, alongside the green spots on the yellow petals.


Our Petal Sponsors

  • Prof Charles Stirton
  • Anne-Lize & Neels Uys
  • Phil & Liesbeth Curtis
  • Dirkie Streicher
  • Kathy Hardy
  • Sarah Foyle
  • Stuart Shearer
  • The Hideaway B&B
  • Richard Miller