Suurbraak Commonage Bioblitz 2012

Suurbraak Commonage Bioblitz 2012

Today we spent a fantastic day on the Suurbraak Commonage with CREW (Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers)…. we saw so many gems – what a good reminder of why it is so important to conserve these critical lowland habitats. Here are some of the ‘angels’…  Please visit ispot for more submissions from the day and see a useful way of getting your obsesrvations in the field identified!

Erica filamentosa (Vulnerable)

Hesperantha sp. (?)

Gladiolus grandiflora / floribundus
Aspalathus sp.

Aristea sp.

Soldier Fly (?)

Ground Protea sp.
Wachendorfia paniculata

Pelargonium triste

Mantis sp.
Lobelia erinus
Lachenalia uniflora
CREW: Cameron McMaster & Ismail Ibrahim