Newsletter 34 | August 2024
by Dr Odette Curtis-Scott
Get ready for a rip-roaring renosterveld spring
Renosterveld doesn’t follow a calendar. This year our renosterveld landscapes in the Overberg seemed convinced that spring had already arrived early in August. It’s likely linked to the very wet winter season in the Overberg – including another flooding event in June.
For the ORCT, it means we’ve had to jump into action a little earlier, to start our spring botanising. And I’m excited about what I’m already seeing. So far it’s promising to be a very special spring for renosterveld indeed.
A bit of a change…
We’ve heard over the course of many years that our name, the Overberg Renosterveld Conservation Trust, is a bit too long and complicated. So we’re making a small change – we’re becoming the Overberg Renosterveld Trust.
That doesn’t mean that conservation doesn’t remain at the heart of what we do. But it simply means that our name is easier to remember. And you’ll start to see the changes to our platforms over the coming weeks.