Event: 30th June 2016
CapeNature, Conservation@Work and partners are presenting a much needed and practical experience for landowners and staff of people living and working the soils of the Renosterveld.
Soil erosion is one of the major threats to the conservation of our Renosterveld especially in areas which have been historically overgrazed or neglected. Landowners and managers are invited to attend this day of practical advice and opportunity to share ideas regarding the combatting of erosion in Renosterveld and the management of Renosterveld in general.
Programme for the day (own transport must be provided):
09h15 Meet at Eagle Rock Nature Reserve (coffee and rusks)
10h00-13h00: A visit to the erosion control site at Eagle Rock Nature Reserve /Facilitated discussions and Practical demonstration of erosion control and soil protection methods by Ken Coetzee. This will be followed by discussions on Renosterveld Management (Facilitated by Dr. Odette Curtis and Ken Coetzee). There will also be representatives from the the Department of Agriculture (Landcare) and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning present.
13h00: Join us at Klipboks on the neighbouring Porcupine Hills Nature Reserve for a light lunch and some networking.
Contact Ingrid du Plessis: 028 316 2774 or conservation.at.work@gmail.com to confirm booking for the day. Unfortunately we will only be able to accommodate 45 participants on a first come first serve basis. Please RSVP by Friday 24th June 2016.
Download directions to Eagle Rock Nature Reserve